There's the gadget liveblog, the multimedia-heavy feature and the bloggy, snarky take. But as we near the end of 2012, we may have reached the last possible evolutionary stage of tech writing: just fucking penning some poems about stuff.
Dealbook nailed the approach with shining limericks about business news; Googler Andrey Petrov, whose riling ode to Twitter aptly deemed the company "the Benjamin Button of Startups," set the bar high for poetic programmers everywhere. Now, prolific TechCrunch scribe Josh Constine has taken the baton.
Mr. Constine was so inspired by a recent interview with Dropbox CEO Drew Houston ("a joy to talk to as a tech journalist"!) that he decided to express his overflowing emotions the best way the DJ Systromatic fan knew how: through lyrical rhyme. His moving ballad is called "~Dropbox~."
So many devices, all in their shells
Meanwhile memories trapped in ourselves
Need something here that’s trapped over there
It’s enough to make anyone pull out their hair
A layer’s what we need, to stitch them together
So data can flock like birds of a feather
Free up our minds by quelling the fear
That all of our moments could just disappear
Next on the roadmap, Connect All The Things!
So from TVs to tablets our files can swing
There’s one hundred million that already heart it
But Drew says that Dropbox is just getting started.
-by Josh Constine, TechCrunch
Shall we bid adieu to press release journalism in favor of a more artistic approach? Betabeat is enticed by the idea, but Twitter isn't so sure: "wtf is that?" wrote one user. "OMG, that's embarrassing" tweeted another.
Perhaps a world so accustomed to disruption isn't ready to be emotionally moved.